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Dementia Care London

by LinkNurse

Specialist Dementia Care in london

Dementia care is a specialised form of care that works to reduce the effects and symptoms of dementia. It is important to ensure that individuals living with dementia feel safe and secure. Dementia care can take many forms, from residential care to providing support for families in their own homes.


It is important that the type of dementia care chosen meets the individual's needs, taking into account their routine, environment, and type of dementia they have. When it comes to caring for people with dementia, it's essential to provide them with specialized care that aims to minimize the effects and symptoms of the condition.


The primary goal of dementia care is to ensure that individuals with dementia feel secure and safe. There are various forms of dementia care, including remodeling living spaces to make them more dementia-friendly, providing support and guidance for caregivers, and implementing specialized programs that cater to the needs of people with dementia. The focus is on enhancing the quality of life for people with dementia by creating an environment where they feel comfortable and are provided with the appropriate care and support.

Why choose LinkNurse for Dementia Care

One of the main concerns families have when considering home care is the idea of having strangers in their home. However, familiarity and a friendly face can make all the difference when it comes to dementia care.


With home care, families can ensure that their loved ones stay in familiar surroundings, surrounded by people they know and trust. This can help create a sense of security and comfort for those living with dementia, allowing them to enjoy life as much as possible.


We are proud to be one of the Londons top dementia home care providers in London. Our specialised team is devoted to helping people with dementia, maintain an independent lifestyle in the comfort of their own homes. Many of our staff have become Dementia Champions to stay up-to-date with current developments in the field. Our specialist dementia training programmes ensure staff have a comprehensive understanding of dementia and its effects on individuals, families, and communities.


Establishing dementia care
at home

LinkNurse is proud to have been recognized with the Dementia Champion accreditation and all of our dedicated care managers and private carers have gone through comprehensive training and examinations to guarantee they are capable of providing the best standard of nursing care for dementia patients.

Our staff has been trained by Dementia UK and adheres to their highest standards of practice when it comes to providing outstanding dementia care. We prioritize providing excellent care for those with dementia and ensure every client receives high-quality care, that delivers positive outcomes.

Linknurse is regulated and licensed to conduct dementia home care in London by the Care Quality Commission. This ensures that the care service being provided meets the highest standards of the highest quality care and safety for those who need it at home.

Suffering from dementia?

Dementia is a condition that affects a person's memory, thinking, and behavior. It has many different strains and can affect people in different stages of their lives. In London, we have care experts who are helping people every day to cope with the challenges that come with dementia and memory loss. We provide selective carers to help loved ones through the many stages of dementia at the comfort and familiarity of your own home.

Call to learn more about the dementia care that we offer. Opening up the opportunity to provide assistance and for you to maintain your independence while staying in the comfort of your home, LinkNurse Dementia Care London aims to provide the best, most friendly, and most helpful service conceivable.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a collective term for the development of several neural disorders that impact the brain and its ability to remember, which deteriorates over time. It is characterized by a decline in cognitive function, including memory loss, impaired language skills, disorientation, and difficulty with problem-solving or decision-making. People with dementia experience changes in their behavior and personality that can be challenging to manage. As the condition progresses, it becomes increasingly difficult for those affected to live independently.

Dementia is a term used to describe a group of conditions that affect the brain. These conditions are caused by abnormal changes in the brain, which can lead to decreased communication between neurons and disruption of chemical signals. When these neurons are damaged or unable to communicate with each other, messages cannot be sent properly and this affects how the brain functions. As a result, this can have a wide range of effects on a person's memory, behavior, and ability to think clearly.


Dementia is characterized by a variety of symptoms, such as memory loss, confusion, difficulty communicating and problem-solving, impaired judgment, disorientation in time and space, and changes in personality or mood. The primary factors that contribute to dementia are aging, genetics, lifestyle choices such as smoking or drinking alcohol heavily, head injury, or stroke. It is vital to comprehend the impact of dementia on the lives of those diagnosed with it to ensure that an appropriate care plan is set in place.

What is Dementia care?

Dementia care is a type of support designed to help people with dementia, live their lives as independently as possible. It involves providing assistance and support to those living with dementia, and their relatives, in order to ensure the highest standard of living for them in their own homes.


This includes helping to maintain a routine, providing emotional support and practical advice, and helping them to remain independent for as long as possible.

Dementia care at home?

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be challenging and often requires continuous care. If you are looking for the best way to ensure the light of one's life is safe and well looked after, then home care services may be the right option for you.


With a range of personal care options available, from residential live-in care to daytime assistance, you can be assured that you will be in safe hands.

What other forms of care are necessary for individuals living with Dementia?

  • Involvement of patient, recognize one’s individuality and uniqueness

  • Providing regular social interactions with a friendly face

  • Plan and establish a routine.

  • Preparing meals

  • ​Encouraging good diet and gentle exercises

  • Assisting with medication

  • Helping them to recall loved ones, memories, and activities they enjoy, by re-engaging them with their hobbies and interests

  • ​Offering mobility support

  • Help during the night

  • Helping with household tasks 

  • All of life’s tasks, big or small, that may arise during the day

  • The option of full, 24-hour live-in care

How can you care for someone suffering from dementia?

In order to support an individual who is struggling with dementia and its disorientating side effects, it is key that you help them to reconnect with their identity.

This involves helping them to re-engage with their favorite hobbies, and activities, encouraging them to take part in their interests and spend time with the people closest to them. One of the care services that we provide for our patients diagnosed with dementia is helping them to create a dementia box. We fill this box with resources, for example, visual communication aids, therapy dolls, favorite books, and board games, which will help to invoke memories in them. Furthermore, these resources will go a long way towards supporting the lifestyle of these patients, which will, in turn, promote their sense of self-worth and self-actualization.

Carers must also work to promote good health for our patients. This includes helping them to have a healthy, nutritious diet and undertake regular exercise - as with all of us, this brings great benefits to both body and mind.


Our commitment to the improvement of human life and care, we ensure that we conform to the very latest developments in the practices of dementia care through training, seminars and participation in research studies. This is a key part of our practices and protocols.

Why is it so important for a patient to be able to live at home?

We understand how important it is for everyone to be able to live in their home, in a way that makes them feel secure, independent and joyful. This constant, dependable support that we provide is a fantastic alternative option to hospitals or care homes. Being able to live independently at home greatly assists in keeping an individual’s feelings of self-worth and the quality of their life, Particularly for an individual who has dementia, these cherished places provide reassuring, familiar and comforting surroundings. As such, At- Home Care is the best option for our clients lives as a dementia sufferer.


Contact us today to find out more about our Dementia Care Service in london

Promoting Healthy Living with Dementia at Home

1. Eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, proteins and whole grains.

2. Exercise regularly to keep your body strong and maintain a healthy weight.

3. Get adequate rest and sleep to maintain energy and reduce stress.

4. Avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, and drug use.

5. Regularly visit your doctor for check-ups and preventive care.

6. Practice mindful eating and be aware of how food affects your body.

7. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

8. Reduce stress by participating in activities that promote relaxation,

Encouraging a person with dementia to exercise is an important part of their care. Exercise can help to improve physical and mental health, increase energy levels and reduce stress. It can also help to keep dementia symptoms under control. To help you support your loved one, here are some tips for encouraging them to exercise:

Make it Enjoyable
Find activities that your loved ones enjoys, such as walking, swimming, or dancing.

Make it Convenient
Look for activities that

are close by and easily accessible.

Make it social
Involve other family members or friends in

If your loved one has been inactive for some time, encourage them to participate in simple exercises. Chair-based activities can be beneficial in improving their physical health and wellbeing.

Some examples of chair-based exercises include:

Leg Raises

This can help strengthen the legs and core.

Chair Squats

Squats can help improve strength and balance.

Arm Circles

These can help improve upper body strength.

Seated Stretches

These stretches can help improve flexibility and range of motion.

Seated Yoga

This can help with mindfulness, relaxation, and breathing techniques.

Enabling dementia patients to pursue their hobbies

Facilitating hobbies and interests can be a great way to help older people learn new skills, build connections, and have fun. Here are some ways to facilitate hobbies and interests:

1. Host skill-building classes or workshops: Offer classes or workshops that teach people the skills they need to pursue their hobbies or interests.

2. Organise group activities: Plan group activities that allow people to pursue their hobbies and interests together. This could include field trips, meetups, or other events.


3. Provide resources: Make resources available for people to pursue their hobbies and interests. This could include a library of books, a list of equipment or supplies, or online resources.

Assisting older people with dementia by engaging them in activities related to their interests can supply them with mental stimulation, bring joy and enable them to stay socially connected. Additionally, it promotes physical exercise and reduces stress levels.

Consulting with your dementia
specialist 1-on-1

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be a daunting and challenging task. It can be trying for both the carers involved and the person living with dementia. However, continuous support from dementia specialists can make it easier to understand the condition and handle it better.

LinkNurse is a dedicated team of dementia specialists; our experts have devoted their lives to understanding dementia and helping people living with it. They provide emotional, psychological, and practical support to caregivers while also helping them understand how to best care for their loved ones with dementia. With their help, carers can gain insight into the condition and learn strategies that will make living with dementia easier.

Live-in care enables elderly relatives to stay in their home or one full of memories, ensuring consistent clock care and continuity of care. This kind of support allows them to maintain their independence while providing them with the necessary care they need. Hosting a dementia care specialist in your home ensures that your loved one receives continuous support and care when it is needed most.

Learn more about our LinkNurse service offering Live-in Care, Personal Care, Post-Operative Care, and Companionship Care

"LinkNurse have been terrific in their approach to taking care of my wife at home. Because of them, we have the peace of mind that she is comfortable and safe in our own home rather than somewhere else. This is a huge help to us and we are very appreciative.’’

A customer from London, who wishes to remain anonymous.

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